When the news hit today that Steve Jobs had resigned as Apple CEO, most of the Internet reacted with shock. As it isn’t clear at this time why he has resigned, those of us who are true Apple enthusiasts could only speculate and hope that this will be Mr.Job’s opportunity to focus on his health and come back stronger than …
Read More »Buying back to school supplies for kids: Mom needs a smart phone
Ah, back to school! The grass is still green, the birds are still singing, and you can practically smell the pencil shavings in the air! If you’ve hit rock bottom on your summer, with the family vacation long past and the kids having gone beyond the ‘I’m boreds’ to outright stupor, you know it’s time to send them back to …
Read More »Mom Tech Tip: Is your iPhone battery draining fast?
There is nothing more aggravating than a dead iPhone. Especially if that phone leaves you high and dry in the middle of no where or worse, while you are waiting in your car in the middle of nowhere and your child is at a practice of some kind. We rely on our phones to keep us sane and entertained, so …
Read More »JK Rowling’s Pottermore opens to beta users, but how can you get in?
August 1st, 2011 – Just when you thought that the book on Harry Potter was closed forever, JK Rowling’s Pottermore has opened up to beta testing. What can only be described as an online attraction for Potter lovers around the world, Pottermore promises to not only let you read the books again, but actually takes you inside them. Developed by …
Read More »Pottermore early registration: Have you received your user name?
It’s July 31st, and as promised J.K.Rowling’s Pottermore has opened up with a clue and a chance for millions of hopefuls to gain early access to her new website. Unfortunately, for those on a Pacific Time Zone, you’ll have to stay up most of the night to login. As the clock struck midnight early this morning, users hit refresh until …
Read More »App Review: NightyNight App by Shape Minds and Moving Images
You know how a certain sound or voice can trigger a memory of your childhood? A simple sound maybe, like rushing water or the sound of wind rustling the trees outside your window; it can have the effect of transporting you back to a simpler time. For me, the noise of crickets takes me back to my Grandparent’s farm, and …
Read More »5 Apps that should be developed for parents
I find that more and more, it’s not about what new and exciting app has popped up on the app store on any given day that gets me going. I find that every app I take a look at results in another as-yet-undeveloped app idea popping into my head. As in, “This app is great, but an app that does …
Read More »Best websites for work at home business – The good, the bad, and the ugly
If you have a business, no matter how small, you are going to need a website of some kind. In a world where social networking is much the same as walking up to someone and shaking their hand, having a website is just the same as handing out a business card, so you don’t just need a website, you need …
Read More »Work at Home Series: Are there Legitimate Work at Home Jobs?
When you’ve got kids, the basic career path you’ve envisioned for yourself goes straight out the window. Yes, you might still be able to go to work and pay for daycare, commuting, and all of the wonderful extra expense that goes into having a full time job and a full time family. But your stress level will be on overload …
Read More »Worried about your teen driving? There’s an app for that
Parenting is really about letting go. There is that moment when your baby takes their first steps, the moment when they go to school for the first time. Or, that moment when someone who is clearly insane and doesn’t know what they are doing hands them a drivers license and they begin begging you for the keys to your car. …
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