
Survive Magazine – Parenting, non-sugar coated

Being a parent is wonderful. For many of us, its the one thing that we will do with our lives that actually takes on a bigger meaning. But being a good parent is extremely difficult, and unfortunately for us these kids don’t come with user manuals.

Survive Parenthood Magazine is a non-paying market. All submission rights are retained by the author. When submitting, be sure to include your bio, author credits if any, and a link back to your own site for promotion. You can also include a small photo. Check out our growing list of contributors and add yourself to the mix.

Mom Tech: This is our little spot for app reviews, new gadget commentary, and share the wonders of technology. 99% of the apps we review are purchased by us personally, so you can be sure that the review is completely unbiased. If we are doing a review for something we received a promo code for, we’ll say that.

If you’d like us to review your app, please contact us. Word count for this area should be between 400-600 words.

What The?: There was this one time, whilst browsing the Internet, that I stumbled across a list of stupid baby products. My absolute favorite was a birthing doll, complete with pull out uterus. These types of things must be shared with the world. You can either submit a quick 200 word blurb and a link to a product/service/something you find ridiculous or write a review yourself.

How to’s: I like How To’s, and as a writer I am often asked to write them. You could write a how to titled, “How I learned to adapt to the elementary school cliques” (we mean the mom cliques, not the kids) or “How not to beat down the soccer coach for screaming at your kid.” The choice is yours. Please keep your word count between 600-800 words, and please don’t actually try to beat the soccer coach prior to writing.

S-mothering: Its not really mothering sometimes is it? Nonetheless, we’d like you to share your tips, hints, and tricks for parenting. Take a look at other parenting magazines and pitch us an idea. Note: We prefer the truth, so don’t gloss over the details. Word count: 500-800 words.

Travel: Who doesn’t like to travel? Traveling kids can be rewarding, fun, and extremely painful at times. Submit your travel story, hints, and tips for any location across the planet. 400-600 words.



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