I was trolling Facebook the other day, as I often do when faced with a messy house and the endless rain pounding on my window, and I saw a post from Today’s Parent asking tips and tricks on how to get your kids to bed. Naturally as a mom of four, I’ve got my own arsenal of ideas, and they range from outright pleading to giving them 10 extra hugs each and refusing to let them pop out again.
So I was going to post my own advice, but as I looked through the list of comments I realized everyone was being quite serious, and I just might get flamed if I tell them one thing that worked for me was sitting in the hallway with a light saber.
You see, we have two of those great light sabers from Disneyland, and when I turn it on and off it makes sounds and flashes blue or red. I choose red. So I sit in the hall, my face in the latest book I’m reading, and when I hear someone come out of their room for the 10th time, I pick it up, turn it on, and wave it around without even looking up. Works like a charm.
So that’s my tip on how to get your kids to bed, but if you want some serious advice, take a jump over to Today’s Parent and check out the How to get your kids to go to bed – And stay there article.