Tag Archives: travel writer

Canon Beach, Oregon Gives California A Run For Its Money

Canon Beach Oregon

When you’re surrounded by farmland in the Fraser Valley of British Columbia, the best view from your backyard will be a long, waving patch of grass and the tip of Mount Baker peeking over the tree-topped horizon. So blinded by greenery, it’s easy to forget that the Pacific Ocean is literally around the corner. If you want to just see …

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Laguna Beach Web Cam

Laguna Beach Web Cam

Have I posted about this? If I have, you’ll have to forgive me. It’s that good. If you’re stuck in the middle of a snowbank somewhere, if you are in a constant downpour of winter rain, or if you just really miss California, this Laguna Beach Web Cam will be your best friend. I know it’s mine. Even if you’ve …

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Hello Hotel Indigo! Review Of The Hotel Indigo Anaheim


There’s nothing I love more than a new hotel, and if given the choice I will always, always choose a new hotel over one that’s been there forever. This is especially true in Anaheim and for hotels near the Disneyland Resort. I have my favorites picked from staying in the area over the years, but if a new one pops up …

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Disneyland Attractions – Jedi Training Academy Tips

Jedi Training Academy tips

Check out the Youtube video of Darth Maul and the puppets below If my son had to choose his favorite from all of the Disneyland attractions, he’d choose the Jedi Training Academy. Complete with Storm Troopers, Jedi, and Darth Vader fighting an epic battle of good vs evil, there isn’t much about it that a boy wouldn’t like. The Jedi …

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