Yes, if you live in the Pacific Northwest you may have noticed it’s a bit, shall we say, completely disgusting outside. It’s enough to make you stand like a crazy person outside, shake your fist at the clouds, and tell them to take a hike (or something more colorful, whatever makes you feel better). It’s also bringing out the preachy people who live with the snow banks. These are the very same people who tell me to count my lucky stars I just have rain, because I could be under 10 feet of snow.
The point they seem to be missing is that I’d never live somewhere there was a lot of snow. Been there, done that, rented the Uhaul, now I live in the rain.
But even though the outside is getting me down, I see this as an opportunity to bring Spring into my house. Yes, I’m thinking spring, blasting through my bank account, raiding my Home Sense, and bringing some color into my poor, winterized home. Because if I can’t see blues and greens when looking out the window, I’m definitely going to see them on my walls, shelves, and couch. So there.
Here’s a write up I did for Best Buy today, and it’s all about Spring-ergizing your home. And be sure to check out our Pinterest feed for more Spring ideas.