Tag Archives: California

Here’s what you’ll see when you visit Old LA Zoo

old la zoo where is it

If you’re on a road trip just rolling through LA on your way to Disneyland for a quick 5 day blast, you probably wouldn’t think about visiting Griffith Park. But if you’re like me, completely jazzed by LA history and a big fan of all those abandoned shows on Youtube, you really need to make a stop there. You can …

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Visit Ronald Reagan Presidential Library On Your California Road Trip

Visit Ronald Reagan Presidential Library

I don’t remember much from when Ronald Reagan was President, but I did recall a few things before I decided to visit the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library with my kids on our latest California road trip. Elementary-school-me thought he was funny, he reminded me of my Grandpa, and that he was possibly the strongest person in the world beyond Superman …

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California road trip from Vancouver: 2017

california road trip

I’m not sure if anyone noticed, but I had taken a leave of absence from the blog for awhile. We had just moved to the farm, were knee deep in renovations, and something had to give before I cracked up. Now that my reno is almost done, I’ve got a farm yard full of animals, and I’m pretty happy with …

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Travel Virtually With The Laguna Beach Web Cam

travel virtually Languna web cam

I’m back after a long hiatus of renovations, remodels, and adjusting to a farmhouse lifestyle. From getting used to pine instead of drywall to an invasion of mice that my lazy cats won’t seem to take care of, it’s been an adventure. But summer is looming, and with that summer vacation. We took a vacation from our regular California summer …

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Laguna Beach Web Cam

Laguna Beach Web Cam

Have I posted about this? If I have, you’ll have to forgive me. It’s that good. If you’re stuck in the middle of a snowbank somewhere, if you are in a constant downpour of winter rain, or if you just really miss California, this Laguna Beach Web Cam will be your best friend. I know it’s mine. Even if you’ve …

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Hotel reviews – Cozy up to the Residence Inn Tustin

Residence Inn Tustin

There aren’t very many times I’d use the word ‘cozy’ when it comes to a hotel. Hotels are usually nice, clean, and sterile looking, designed to welcome you in and welcome you back out again. After all, if you’re only staying a night or two, you don’t need cozy. You need functional. But cozy is exactly what I’d call the …

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Road Trip Planner – Dodge Grand Caravan is the best vehicle for the drive


Driving from Vancouver to Disneyland takes stamina, patience, and a seriously reliable vehicle. This isn’t a drive for the faint of heart, because you’ll encounter flats, forests, and mountains, plus possibly some of the worst highway traffic I’ve ever seen on a road that’s supposed to be 120km/70 miles per hour speed limit. I’ve done the drive on the I5 …

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Map of California – Road Trip Planner

map of california

Looking for a map of California? As soon as the weather starts to change here in the Pacific Northwest my thoughts turn away from frozen nights inside with my bag of caramel popcorn to sunshine, warm weather, and the beginning of road trip season. I have a family of six so we go on road trips a lot. You could …

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If you need me, I’ll be at the Hyatt – Hyatt Regency Orange County review

hyatt regency orange county review

It’s safe to say that there aren’t very many hotels on the Anaheim strip of Harbour Blvd that I haven’t stayed at. I’ve been visiting California at least once a year since my kids were tiny, and every year I tried a new hotel. After staying, I never really felt the need to rebook at the same place. I’d move …

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