Tag Archives: farmhouse

DIY Coffee Bar In A Farmhouse Kitchen

diy coffee bar do it yourself

Having a coffee bar is a big deal these days. I’m a dedicated coffee fan so I knew when I was building my kitchen (thank you Ikea) I would be adding a DIY coffee bar to one wall. Given that it’s one of the smallest kitchens you’ve ever seen, I knew adding that spot just for coffee was going to …

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Creating Farmhouse Style In The Kitchen


Since Christmas I’ve been busy creating a farmhouse kitchen that would suit this little old farmhouse I live in. It’s been challenging, because the kitchen is actually really narrow. Although I gave away pretty much half of what I own to move here, I still had boxes and boxes of my favorite small appliances and kitchen gadgets to find a …

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Hello from the other side: our farmhouse renovation


For the past few months I’ve been AWOL from my blog, and although I’ve posted a few times and alluded to how things were going after we moved from our 5 bedroom, 3 bathroom house into a tiny farmhouse, I’ve never gone into detail about what we had to do to get to where we are right now, a few …

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The real deal about a farmhouse reno

once upon a farm blog

The term farmhouse means different things in different situations. Where I grew up in central Canada, a farmhouse was something you built on your 4 quarters of land, and although it might of been old when you bought it, the harsh winters meant you better keep up with the foundation, the roof, and everything else if you didn’t want to …

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Dead things under my farmhouse


That’s a catchy title, isn’t it? Unfortunately for us, it’s also true. I’ve been writing about restoring the 1920’s farmhouse we bought a month ago, and after a lot of demo, we finally got to the part where we’ve hired someone to come in and level our floor. The house was actually sinking 3 inches in the front and 5 …

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Once upon a farmhouse renovation


It’s been three weeks since we’ve moved onto the property we purchased and started this farmhouse renovation, and during that time we’ve uncovered a lot of things we had never seen and never heard of. I like to think of myself as a city girl who spent a lot of time on a farm in the summer, but I never …

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