Tag Archives: road trip planner

Road Trip Planner – Dodge Grand Caravan is the best vehicle for the drive


Driving from Vancouver to Disneyland takes stamina, patience, and a seriously reliable vehicle. This isn’t a drive for the faint of heart, because you’ll encounter flats, forests, and mountains, plus possibly some of the worst highway traffic I’ve ever seen on a road that’s supposed to be 120km/70 miles per hour speed limit. I’ve done the drive on the I5 …

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Hello Hotel Indigo! Review Of The Hotel Indigo Anaheim


There’s nothing I love more than a new hotel, and if given the choice I will always, always choose a new hotel over one that’s been there forever. This is especially true in Anaheim and for hotels near the Disneyland Resort. I have my favorites picked from staying in the area over the years, but if a new one pops up …

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Map of California – Road Trip Planner

map of california

Looking for a map of California? As soon as the weather starts to change here in the Pacific Northwest my thoughts turn away from frozen nights inside with my bag of caramel popcorn to sunshine, warm weather, and the beginning of road trip season. I have a family of six so we go on road trips a lot. You could …

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Road trip planner – How to pack for a road trip with kids

Remember when road trips were all about just throwing your clothes in a duffle bag and getting into the car? You could leave at 2 am in the morning, drive all night, sleep in parking lots if you wanted to, and eat wherever you saw a sign that said FOOD. Who needs a road trip planner when you’re young and …

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Road trips with kids

Every year, when my kids get out of school, I look forward to it. I don’t think there are very many people who can actually say that. I’m not saying I’m not going to miss the quiet moments when I can clean without feeling like Pigpen walking through a pile of dust (trains. They just stick to me. I can’t …

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